Regina Spektor started the show by messing up four times,
followed by four apologies! I had never
seen that before, but it was endearing, as was the rest of the performance.
--- Hahaha at "Grand Hotel." I happened to see the 1932 Best Picture Oscar
Winner of the same name last night!
Can't really recommend the movie, but I liked the song.
--- Heh, she should've done “Screwup” as the first song.
--- “The Light”!!
Elegant on the album, elegant live.
--- The next song is “Better” than usual because the
audience claps.
--- “Apres Moi”: the sound system made most of the song
blare uncomfortably, but the soft, breathy ending worked.
--- The dark, fiery animal imagery in “You've Got Time” was
a good change of pace.
--- “The Trapper and the Furrier”: wish there had been fewer
“more more more”s.
--- HA at Hark's excitement when Regina’s drummer’s name was
the same as Hark’s coworker, Mathias.
--- “Obsolete” is pure -- my second favorite of the night.
--- “Don't Leave Me”: I don't love Paris in the rain. The speakers make the jangly bounces grate.
--- Finally, a song that fully works! “Us” has such a sure arc!! Love the
inflections on “den of thieves” and “contagious.”
--- “Samson”: serviceable.
Sweet last note.
--- Ben Folds comes on stage!! Aww, guy next to me starts
singing “Dear Theodesia.”
--- “You Don't Know Me”: The back and forth between Ben and
Regina is delightful. Nice finish.
Grade: B
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