Thursday, December 29, 2011

100 -- Trans-Siberian Orchestra -- Sunday, November 20, 2011 -- Giant Center –- Hershey, PA

The Gospel does not give an indication one way or the other if Jesus liked monster trucks. If he did like monster trucks, though, and he liked thoughts of them in his Christmas music, he would have loved Trans-Siberian Orchestra. The performance featured cannons, lasers, flash pots, fireworks – the whole thing felt like a collaboration between Michael Bay and Jacob Lusk. Initially, all of this was kind of hard to handle – the homeless man skit seemed to never end, and the first act narrator made Doakes from Dexter seem subtle.

A few songs in, though, I decided to accept everything for what it was; I decided to embrace the melodrama. After that, I could not have been happier with the concert. Some of the many highlights of the show included:

-- Seeing how close our seats were to the stage.
-- Seeing the drummer toss his drumstick into pitch black – and catch it on the way down!
-- Seeing Inspector Gadget set on fire. The 90’s cartoon hero may not have actually gone up in flames, but the pyrotechnics during the Gadget-esque “Mountain” made it seem like he did.
-- Listening to the solo of a future female Idol winner, “Christmas Canon Rock.” (In general, the female’s voices were much stronger. I also recognized that I am much more willing to accept histrionics from female singers than male ones.)
-- Listening to the solo of a future male Idol winner, “Back to a Reason [part two].” (This guy was an exception to female-male rule. He was awesome.)
-- The way they literally represented their Night Castle album. Amid a sea of sparking castle lights, performers made their way up a ‘moat’ platform that nearly reached the arena roof.
-- The way the guitarists lifted in the air during “Sarajevo,” smoke surrounding them, angelic and demonic elements alternating with each verse.

The final highlight of the show was seeing Hark Tagunicar flip out during “Wizard of Winter,” his favorite song. To see Hark get that excited – to see him have the reaction I often have during concerts – the reaction two Trans-Siberian students of mine had when they found out I was going to the show – made it all worth it.

Grade: A-

Random Endnote: I ate at Outback Steakhouse for the first time ever on the way to the concert. Hark, Alex Bush, and Parissa Farahi Far were shocked that I had never been to Outback before. I will certainly go again.


  1. Hmmm.... I remember always wanting to see a monster truck rally when I was a kid..... And I DEFINITELY have to agree with that Hark guy. Wizards of Winter is an AWESOME song! He definitely knew what he was talking about!
