That combination of talent, energy, versatility, and nuclear-powered charisma that Bruce has, Dave has as well. His songs may be less subtle and sermons less socially conscious, but in every other way, Dave measures up. When Bruce finally, tragically fades, Dave will be the new Boss.
If that strikes any Springsteen fans reading this as hyperbolic, read on. The number of euphoric highs at this concert outnumbered most of the year’s concerts combined...

--- How do you *start* the show with “Everlong”?! Bold, cool.
--- Noooo, “Monkey Wrench” this early is a bridge too far: wasteful! [Update: Dave added new riffs and whipped everyone up to such an extent that he won me over. Fortune favors the bold.]
--- “Learn to Fly” is a nice opportunity to breathe. It’s also a reminder to K and I that Hark is here in spirit.
--- “Something from Nothing,” the Chicago song, one of the two best tracks on Sonic Highways, delivers.
--- “The Pretender”!! Time to LEAP in the air.
--- Lol, 10,000 people screech “slideshow.” That is, they want to see the hilarious/inspiring slideshow of Dave breaking his leg on stage and preserving the tour by performing on a circular guitar throne. The slideshow concludes with “Big Me,” a first-album tribute to the “hairy road crew” who kept him going when he got injured.
--- I'd forgotten “Walk”’s ending; it builds really build well. Underrated.
--- “Congregation,” the Nashville song, is decent. I like the “no false hope” line.
--- Drummer Taylor Hawkins riffs on “Another One Bites The Dust” during the band member intros. He then performs his own song “Cold Day in the Sun.” I find it hilarious that seconds before typing that the lyrics are subpar, I read an article quoting Hawkins as saying, “I wrote it morning before the song was recorded, and the lyrics suck. It's more about the melody. Dave always said he liked it, but I was like, ‘Yeah, bull.’”
--- “My Hero” and “Times Like These”! Mmm, gotta love those warm and fuzzy 40,000-PERSON sing-a-longs.
--- “I try to make these stadiums like every person is in the hot, sweaty club down the street.” Yes!!!!
--- “When I say the Foo Fighters love Queen, I mean they *love* Queen....You wanna know why? When we heard Queen, we wanted to be here. We wanted to be a rock band. For me, it goes back to Thomas Jefferson High School Battle of the Bands 1983 in Alexandria, VA. We played ‘Footloose.’ We got third place. First place played (some other song). Where is first place now though? Not at Fenway in front of 40,000 of you!!!”
--- They prompt the crowd if they want to hear Classic Rock or Classic Foo? Heh, Foo has an unfair phonic advantage, but alright. Not alright: “All My Life.” More than alright, it qualifies as Black.Red.MAGIC!!! I was able to jump and pump full throttle for four minutes. Glorious.
--- “These Days” off Wasting Light is solid. More than solid: random guy across for me comes in for a high five!!
--- “Outside,” the L.A. track on Sonic Highways, has an incomprehensible intro but settles into a nice trippy jam halfway through. Wish Boston did not hate NY, so they could have played “I Am a River,” the NY track / best track on Sonic Highways.
--- Aww, I recognized "Breakout" from first half-note. Aww again for K being all, “That is the second song after ‘Stacked Actors’ on my album.” Random guy who hasn't said anything the whole time insists “great song!” Love that Dave gives a shoutout to the nosebleeds AND the good seats. YES. Rich/poor, privileged/disadvantaged: all fans matter!
--- Some dumb old "water shed" song. Oh, it's literally called "Water Shed" haha.
--- If Dave and I didn't live in Alexandria, “Arlandia” would be meh. We do, though, so it's solid. Better than that actually. As K said, “Nice groove near the end.”
--- “I'll Stick Around.” Aww at this guy airing the guitar during the “I don't owe you anything” section. Heh at ape grunts on the last notes.
--- “This is A Call.” ANOTHER one off the first album. I don't even love that album, but I love the sentiment.
--- Oooh, I think they have different local bands open in every city, connecting with Sonic Highways. Great idea.
--- “When I was in 16, I was in a band called Brain Damage. We were awful. But we wanted to be Mission Inferno. One of the highlights of my life was to be on stage with these people, and I am tonight.”
--- “Best of You” has this new riff and perfect pacing. Tenderrrr!!!
--- I’m glad I was here for all these moments and got to experience them with Erik Kastman. Twenty years from now, my kids won’t be able to get live Bruce, but fingers crossed, they will be able to get live Dave…
Grade: A+
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