--- “A Shot in the Arm”!!!! SO FITTING FOR THE ERA.
--- “EKG”: ok, a Star Wars track is an automatic buzzkill, but hopefully that means they’re done with that album the rest of the night.
--- “Before Us”: same basic comment for this Ode To Joy, but if it was chosen because of what just happened in Afghanistan, points for that. I.E. “I remember when wars would end. Remember when wars would end? Now when something's dead, now when something's dead, we try to kill it again.”
--- “You Are My Face”!! It speaks to how deeply Wilco’s albums are embedded that I didn’t remember the name, and I’d never heard it live, yet I recognized every note and loved it.
--- “Good to be back”: INDEED.
--- Oooh at the new ‘hello hello hello’ in “I Am Trying to Break Your Heart.”
--- Clever, seamless swirl into “Art of Almost,” which I first heard at Merriweather! Emotionally, I’d forgotten its power. I planted my legs, and it pulsed through me!!!
--- “If I Ever Was a Child” was played.
--- “Is this the first time you’ve been out to see a rock show since? Then it’s a great honor.”
--- “Impossible Germany”: awww, memories of listening to this with Rafael in the car at the start of the summer. I’d forgotten how organically it develops – and how it joins up with the rest of the band. “Art of Almost” has pyrotechnics; “Impossible Germany” has soul!!!!
--- Awwwww, “you know I miss that.” My thoughts exactly!!
--- “Love Is Everywhere” has a nice message.
--- Heh, “now for the oldest song we’re probably going to play tonight.” I.E. “Box Full of Letters.” Awwwww: “I like to pick out one song every night from a poster. That guy had [‘Box’] on a poster.”
--- “Hummingbird”!!! By far my favorite version of it. In the past, it’s been a bit disappointing because it feels like a pandery hit. This time, he was so light with it, and the crowd seemed so light, that it felt real.
--- “Everyone Hides”! The strongest track from recent albums. It’s both airy and insistent. Well done.
--- “Born Alone”: the lyric “I was born to die alone” is an outrageously depressing, but fortunately, the sound isn’t. Solid downward spiral at the end.
--- HA at some guy in the crowd: “I want The Whole Love tonight.” Clever reference to the previous album.
--- Heh, “Jesus Etc” doesn’t get “Hummingbird”‘s bump. It’s still soothing on an album, rote live.
--- “Is everyone having a good time? Well, we’re getting close to running out of time. So we’re going to try to play as many songs as we can.”
--- “Theologians”! Ooh, it’s a slightly more aggressive version. Nice.
--- Awwww, this song’s dedicated to everyone out there on the lawn. “I’m the Man Who Loves You”! I don’t remember Jeff having such a solo at the end. Cool.
--- “Heavy Metal Drummer”!!!! Bizarre/awesome spoken-word Doors intro and extra-energetic outro put this through the roof. Best version of “HMD” I’ve heard.
--- “I’m Always in Love” is so damn happy -- especially with his “what can I say” riff.
--- Love that Merriweather said Wilco was ending at 10:45, and it’s 10:50, and they just started the encore!!
--- Hahaha at Nils hand prompting the crowd during “The Late Greats.”
--- “We always have a great time here. Thanks for coming out.”
--- “Outtasite”!!
--- Awwww at a tonally perfect “California Stars” finale. I swear I have not heard this washed-out electric version…..that……omg, becomes a banjo version!!!! I wonder if they reacted to online criticism that early shows were too similar. I wouldn’t it past them adapting based on that. Personal best for “CS” as well.
--- I will now listen to songs the whole way home. YES.
Grade: A+
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