--- What a privilege to attend with Nick, Angie, Dave, Chris Hartten, and shock of shocks, Kevyn and Lisa?!
--- Heh at ‘party check,’ ‘this is our last song,’ and Dave Tieff’s maniacal energy during “Now and Then”! There’s also zero vocal dropoff.
--- Hahahaha at Angie dancing and RAPPING through the whole Chris-assisted “Solution”!!!
--- Wow at the drummer Will winning a Grammy and guitarist Dan playing with a prosthetic finger he made!! Chris: “Hard to get more rock than that.” True.
--- Heh, apparently I’m the only one from Virginia. When Dave finds out someone came from Massachusetts: “Why?” HA. They really should see if anyone’s from Maryland…
--- This is the first time they’ve played together in three years!
--- Aww, Angie’s so happy for “Clear Blue.” It sounds great.
--- “Shadow Child” has a cool calypso vibe. Awwww that there are other old people bouncing!!!! Gripping.
--- “I found nothing”!!!! I am in awe of the demon calm of it all. Aww at Nick reminding me there about the dramatic pause.
--- Heh: “I’m going to dedicate this to homeostasis.”
--- Angie jumps in during “Kashmir”: “I forgot to tell you: they play it every show.” I tell her I’m seeing Robert Plant this summer. “You ARE?!” Awww.
--- Heh, they employ space-age tech to practice a new song (“Anti Social”) with Will, who was in California. I like the electric beast at the beginning and this chorus: “everybody’s in a hurry to get to nothing.”
--- HA: “Was that ‘f’ you’ or ‘f’ yeah’? The second has a little more pep and zest to it.”
--- “Roll Into The Light”: I dig the acapella opening line, and the fact that the Tool bassist sings during it. Plus, awww for Angie – they played her song.
--- Wow, there’s about to be a middle-aged mosh pit.
--- “Wrinkle” is solid mid-tempo. Thanks for the title ID, Chris.
--- “American Boy” has outstanding command and momentum. Reminds me of Pearl Jam’s “Jeremy.”
--- The A/C was so high Raynaud’s was flaring up in my hands most of the start of the show. The band was so high energy that they overcame it. First my nose, then my fingers; pink skin again!!!!
--- I looked at the clock for the first time. 9:02. Complete immersion.
--- Heh, Lisa disagrees that Laughing Colors has the same feel as Beach House.
--- Kevyn asks me what I think of the show. I admit I hate it.
--- “Cyrus Column.” Heh, Chris is proud he’s at 100% accuracy so far. Angie hilariously ID’s the song way late. I enjoy the acoustic change of pace. Being honest though, the back half is half-baked.
--- Heh: “this song is about one of the greatest weekends ever had in the Northeast. It’s a fungus.” Don’t insult my intelligence, Chris haha: I know it’s “Mushroom.” It’s by far the best improvement from the album. The goddamn progression!!!! Kevyn needs that at his birthday.
--- DISTINCTION: I have never been at a show with a more diverse group of friends enjoying it in different ways.
--- The generational joy on display brings me back to Johnny and Miguel at the Dee Snider concert. Such emotion.
--- I don’t want it to end.
--- “Sunrise Highway”: Tool is back. I ran to the song this morning! Long Island, represent!!
--- “Mercy”: As lick lick licky as ever. Aww at Chris playing the whole thing on his body. “Please allow me to introduce myself” as the licks swirl. Artistic AF!!!!
--- “Hotel Room in Hell”!!!!! The high point of the night. Oh. If. He. Could. Ever. Come. To. Poetry. Club.
--- I tear up during his “all my heroes are going” intro, and when he explains the support he’s been given by his ex wife. You could hear a pin drop.
--- Perfect shift to “Sense” and its key lyric: “someday this will all make sense to me”!!! Love how he stalks the stage – not a hint of Trans-Siberian schlock. Aww at Angie and I noticing how the disco ball literally “turn turn turns.”
--- Hahahah at the band playing “Free Bird” after giving a free bird.
--- “Big One Small One”!!! Aww, so relaxed and communal. Heh at “shut the f’ up” ad-lib after all the “shut your mouth”s.
--- Heh at the bold stance: three “f’ Putin”s at the start of Black Sabbath’s “War Pigs.” Aww at the drummer’s solo and the rather-relevant lyrics: “listen to the sound of the whole world breaking down.”
--- “Strange”!!! “We’ve been around a long time, and our paths have all to led to this. One of the coolest parts is getting to see you guys reunite who haven’t seen each other. All we can say is ‘f’ yeah.’”
--- Heh at Chris and I both calling the one-two “Light” / “Samhouse” punch at the end. Love the messages: “I can see the walls are coming down” and “it’s never too late to save yourself.” Chris mentions their haunting rendition of “Samhouse,” complete with the National Anthem, right after 9/11. Heh at Dave Tieff grabbing a kid on FaceTime: “give it up for Bob.” The ENERGY during these last two is unreal. I don’t want to see too easy, but credit where credit is due: !!!!!
Grade: A+
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