Friday, April 19, 2019

220 -- Foo Fighters -- Saturday, October 14, 2017 -- Richmond Coliseum -- Richmond, VA

Run”: clearly a song about Hark, who now owns the land-speed record for buying and returning with a hot dog.  Good for him.

Dave Grohl to the crowd: “Haven’t been to Richmond in a while. Let’s do a long one then.”  HA. [Edit after the show: The length ended up being an issue.  Hark had most of his energy drained hours earlier by news that our awesome surrogate was found medically ineligible.  To his credit, he soldiered through, and everything ended up working out kid-wise. :)]          

“Learn To Fly”!!!  I’ve never heard it at a Foo Fighters show, and I get to hear it with Hark — it’s his song. (For the record, Hark sings it better than Dave — much better.)

The Pretender”!!!  Awesome riff in the middle.

Lol at Dave stopping in the middle of “Sky is a Neighborhood” and yelling at the audience: “Can I finish the f’ing song please?”

Awww at Hark bouncing along to Chicago’s “Something From Nothing”!

Proud that I can call “Walk” from the opening chords.  The fact that Hark was a fan of it beforehand made me relisten to it and gain new appreciation.  Tied for the best of the night so far!!!

“Rope.”  As a song, meh.  The riffs are friggin’ great though, so wooo “Rope.”  Almost sounds like jazz?!  Whoa, Taylor Hawkins’ drumset approaches the ceiling! Nice transition to...

Sunday Rain,” the Paul McCartney song.  Like the funk and the section where the guitars and drums fade, giving a few seconds of just Hawkins vocals.  He’s not a great vocalist, but that makes it feel sincere.  Even the lower-tier songs feel strong!!

Dave: “Ladies and gentleman, hi.”  “We just played ten songs and didn’t even say anything.”  Unprecedented.

My Hero,” an acoustic-to-percussive triumph.

“These Days”: I never appreciated this song!  Such wistful lyrics and circular delivery. “One of these days your heart will cease to beat...but that’s okay”!!!

“Let It Die”!!!!  Dave:“This is for the old school fans.  We haven’t played this live in years.”  Gah, I know. Hark says, “I like this one” without prompting = YES!

“All My Life”!!!!  I groaned at first because it was two hyper-intense ones right after one another, but it WORKED.  At the end: “Time to burn this place down, m’f’ers.”  InDEED!

Some “flying machines” song: meh.

“White Limo”: meh.

Dave promises a woman with a sign two picks if she’ll take down the sign blocking the people in front of her.  He “admires her persistence” though.  I tell Hark, “Maybe we should would be interested in surrogacy.”  “Yes,” he grins.

Breakout”: wooo, There Is Nothing Left To Lose.  Cool audience light show towards the end.

Make It Right”: cool 70s vibe.  Wears out its welcome though.  Picture of some of blond 80s guy I should clearly know.  The tone-less loud-ness continues.  Gah.  “I’m In Love With My Car” by Queen drummer Roger Taylor inspired Taylor Hawkins to play guitar and sing.

Skin and Bones”: much better/simpler.  Accordion for the win!

Dave gives every band member their moment and every member of the nosebleeds their moment.  “Put the lights on them.  They don’t even have lights?!”  PERSONALIZATION, folks.  Other musicians: LEARN FROM DAVE.

Dave: “I’m not going to have you have a bass solo because no one like those. [Audience boos.]. Oh, you do like them?”

Hark: “His sister went to Virginia Center?”  (HA, after Dave mentioned that his sister went to VCU.)

“Monkey Wrench”!!!! I thought it would be a letdown, but NOPE.

Comments to Hark: “He’s kind of phoning it in...I wonder if he also gave people badges at his wedding.”

Hehe at the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 finger comedy before the enore.

Dirty Water”! Remains my favorite song on the new album.  Not an all-time classic, but strong.

Awww at the guy behind me screaming “Aurora”!!!

This Is A Call.”  Hark is dancing up a storm — nice!

Mehhh at “La Dee Da.”  Worst song they’re ever released?

Wheels.” Aww, crowdfunded show at the National in Richmond “one of the greatest live experiences of his life.”  There was no space between the crowd and him — how he likes it.

Congregation”: unexpected resurgence.

Concrete and Gold.”  “Here’s a song we’ve never played live.”  I know why — it’s TERRIBLE!  The lights add a little, but overall, UGH.

“Everlong”: like the no-frills straightforward version as finale.

Grade: A

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