Monday, July 1, 2024

283 -- The Postal Service -- Wednesday, September 6, 2023 -- The Anthem -- DC

--- “The District Sleeps Alone Tonight”: Heh at the all-white costume change. Interesting that there’s a female co-singer and that the crowd seems more hyped for Postal Service than Death Cab. Hahahahah at everyone flipping out for “DC sleeps”!!! 

--- “Such Great Heights”!!!! Wow, this is straight up better. Remarkable, as the reverse is true on the album. Electronic is superior live.

--- “Sleeping In” / “Nothing Better”: Hahahah at the bass-voiced drummer coming in during “don’t wake me, I plan on sleeping.” The crowd goes wild. The female singer commands the stage. So many different sounds. No lack of color here!!!

--- “Recycled Air”: gah, backslide. Cool autotune riff at the end though.

--- “Clark Gable”’s got a groove back -- slick! Wow, Ben Gibberd is throwing DOWN. Not the guy I remember!!! Love the bonus thumps afterward.

--- “We Will Become Silhouettes”: oooh, cool Chariots of Fire intro music. Wow at the contrast between the guttural and ethereal. Plus the swirl at the end. Whee!!!!

--- “This Place is a Prison”: heh, and now time for a crackly funeral dirge.

--- “Brand New Colony”: “This is a song of unrequited love.” HA, cue plinky Mario music. He then leads the crowd in three earnest coos of “everything will change.” Such layers?!!!

--- “Natural Anthem”: and now they’re blowing the discordant roof off the place. Wild!!

--- During the wait for the encore, a guy shouts “One More Album! One More Album!” HA!

--- “This is a song that Sam Beam stole from the Postal Service. We’re stealing it back.” Awww at the acoustic “Such Great Heights” duet. Beautiful!!! Plus a perfect shift on the last note! HA, he throws his towel in addition to his pick.

--- They end with Depeche Mode’s “Enjoy The Silence”: I don’t know the song, but I salute the tribute. Feels right. Lynda Hensley, this one’s for you.

Grade: A+

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